Weekly Journal 52 - Happy New Year


2021 is about over and done, and it’s time to look ahead to 2022

End of 2021

It’s early on New Year’s Eve as I’m writing this, and I’m sitting here looking back at what all happened this year. While 2021 had it’s share of challenges, on the whole it has been a pretty good year. I have identified some issues with burnout that I need to address, and I’ll be looking to do a better job of managing that in 2022. I did a pretty good job with keeping up with a weekly blog posting schedule. Some posts were better than others, but getting into that habit was good.

Welcome 2022

My goals for 2022 include keeping up with my weekly blog posting schedule, and maybe expanding it a bit with some additional entries. I might start sharing some links on the blog to things I find interesting. I don’t want to operate a full-blown link blog again, but when I run across a really good article I think I will start linking it here too. I am also toying with the idea of having more favorite books posts throughout the year instead of having one big post at the end of the year.

I will also be adjusting my work goals and focus in 2022. I am continuing to grow as an engineering manager, and I need to focus a bit more on that aspect of my work and reduce my individual contributions. This past year has taught me that I am more valuable as a force multiplier now than as a developer/engineer. This should also help with burnout a bit as I won’t be trying to everything myself.

With that I’ll wish everyone a Happy New Year and look forward to new things in the coming year. Thanks for reading.

What’s Next?

Enjoying the remainder of my holiday time off, and getting back in the groove again next week.