Release: hexo-global-license v0.5.5
Release: hexo-global-license v0.5.5
hexo-global-license is a generator plugin for the Hexo static site engine. It allows you to specify a license in configuration, and have it automatically added to every page on the site. Currently it supports Creative Commons v4.0 and custom license text.
You can see an example of what it looks like at the bottom of this page.
What’s New
- Update the URL for the Creative Commons license images to prevent an HTTP redirect every time a page loads
While I was working on my blog upgrade, I tripped over a “bug” in my hexo-global-license generator for Hexo. I am calling it a “bug” because it appears to be intentional on the part of the Creative Commons license generator tool. Rather than have a redirect on every page load, I went ahead and replaced the image URLs with their true location.
Thanks for reading.