Weekly Journal 157 - Dagger.io, Logseq


I wanted to check back and see how Dagger has changed and improved since the last time I looked at it. Unfortunately, I still can’t use it due to a dependency on Docker. I use alternative container tooling like Podman and Rancher, and I don’t really want to spend time trying to hack in support for these tools into Dagger myself. On the plus side, I noticed they have added a Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) requirement to their contributing guide. A DCO attests that the developer making the contribution has the necessary rights to make that contribution. It doesn’t require the contributor to sign over their copyright. Many projects with a corporate backer like Dagger instead require a Contributor License Agreement, which does force the contributor to sign over their copyright. This can then be used for a license bait-and-switch from open source to proprietary like Hashicorp did last year. I’ll check back again in a few months to see if Dagger will support additional container tools.


I’m still working on how to make note taking and processing a regular habit during the week. Lately I’ve been really busy with work, and and as a result I haven’t been taking notes and putting them into Logseq. I’m not sure how to fix that,, but it is something I noticed.