Configuring BizTalk 2006 R2 for AS2: Part 4 Configuring the Send Port and Party
Time to wrap up this series by setting up an AS2 send port and party for AS2.
Previous entries in this series:
- Part 0: Introduction
- Part 1: Generating Certificates
- Part 2: Installing Certificates
- Part 3: Configuring IIS to Receive Transactions
First we will start off by configuring a send port for outbound AS2
messages. With the way BizTalk handles trading partners, you will have a
send port for each AS2 trading partner you communicate with. Start by
creating a new static one-way send port. Set the transport type to HTTP
and configure the destination URI according to your trading partners’
instructions. Next, configure the send pipeline. You have two pipelines
to choose from. The AS2Send pipeline will wrap your data inside an AS2
envelope and send it on its way. The AS2EdiSend pipeline will first
attempt to convert your XML message into an EDI message before wrapping
in an AS2 envelope. After choosing your pipeline, hit the OK button to
save the port.
Rather than trying to explain each and every option in the BizTalk party
configuration tool, instead I will link to the relevant sections in MSDN
for configuring a party for EDI and for AS2. Once you have
completed setting up the AS2 and/or EDI settings on the party, assign
the send port created above to the trading partner. Right-click on the
party name and select “Properties”. Click on “Send Ports” and pick the
send port you created above from the list. Click “OK” to save the party
The final thing that needs to be done is to assign the certificates to
the party. For that I will point you to the handy chart on the EDI
Product Team Blog. Once the certificates have been setup, you should
be good to go for sending and receiving AS2 messages.